
What is MetaID

MetaID is a unified identity and data format protocol built on Bitcoin and its homogeneous blockchains. Based on the MetaID protocol, developers can build various Web3 applications on Bitcoin that enable data interconnectivity and ensure user data sovereignty.

In simple terms, MetaID can be used to:

  • Build all types of Web3 applications on Bitcoin, including social applications, games, e-commerce applications, etc.

  • Issue various FT and NFT assets on Bitcoin that are closely integrated with data value.

MetaID Features

  • Abstraction of discrete blockchain data: MetaID abstracts discrete blockchain data into ordered tree-structured data, preparing for the construction of Web3 applications on Bitcoin.

  • On-chain user and application data: All user information and application data are stored on-chain, associated with addresses controlled by the user's private keys. This ensures that data ownership belongs entirely to the data producer and is independent of other parties.

  • Native NFT data: Each piece of on-chain data in MetaID is naturally a non-fungible token (NFT) that users can freely transfer and trade, giving them complete control over their data.

  • Cross-application data connectivity: Data can be interconnected between different applications, eliminating data silos. Different protocol data can be combined under Users' MetaID, greatly reducing the workload for Web3 application development.

MetaID Vision

  • Best cornerstone for Web3 applications: Bitcoin is the best carrier for Web3 applications due to its high consensus, high concurrency, and support for on-chain data storage. MetaID aims to become the best DID and data unification protocol in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

  • New Web3 development paradigm: MetaID will create a new Web3 development paradigm where data is interconnected, user-owned, and naturally combined with user assets. We believe that Bitcoin = Money + Data.

MetaID Basic Principles

Through the MetaID protocol, transactions based on MetaID scattered across the blockchain are classified by "individual" and organized into a complete tree structure. From the perspective of the MetaID protocol, all on-chain data is abstracted and stored on-chain in the format of a "MetaID tree." As a result, on-chain data consists only of "MetaID trees," making the data independent of the chain and even the storage format. As long as the final implemented "MetaID tree" conforms to the MetaID format, it can achieve data ownership by users, orderly data storage, and data interconnectivity. Therefore, all forms of Web3 applications can be built on this foundation.

Classifying discrete blockchain data into ordered structured data by "individual"

Reusing on-chain data through the protocols

Combining different protocols through MetaID in a single application

Latest MetaID Status

May 2024: The MetaID protocol has released its latest V2.0 version. With the efforts of the developer community, the first versions of essential infrastructure such as MAN, MetaID Browser, and MetaID SDK are now available. Additionally, the first MetaID application on BTC, named "bitbuzz" (https://bitbuzz.io), has been launched.

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