
We have deployed the MAN browser, and the source code has also been open-sourced on Github:

The MAN indexer includes a built-in MetaID browser that supports querying MetaID-related data.

Running the Browser

To start the HTTP web service, set the server parameter to 1 when running the program:

./manindexer -server=1

The default ports for the service are 80/443. If you need to specify a different port, you can do so in the configuration file under the web section.

Once the service is started, access it via{port}.

Browser Features

The search function accepts keywords such as MetaID, PIN Number, and PIN ID. Note that fuzzy search is not supported.


A list of all PINs, displayed in reverse chronological order with pagination. Clicking on a specific PIN provides more details, such as:



A list of all MetaIDs, sorted by creation time in descending order. Clicking on a specific MetaID shows the PIN used to create that MetaID.


A list of all blocks containing MetaID protocol data, sorted by block height in descending order. Clicking on a block card displays the details of the transactions within that block, such as:


Lists MetaID data in the memory pool, which is automatically deleted after being included in a block.

Last updated