Get Started


MetaID SDK provides a set of standard specifications and tools for generating and processing underlying blockchain data that conforms to the MetaID protocol (specifically for UTXO-standard chains, currently supporting the BTC chain).

The design goal of MetaID SDK is to offer a relatively unified and efficient method, greatly simplifying the integration of web3 services. It eliminates the need for developers to handle multiple protocols and construct complex UTXO transactions for on-chain data, saving time and reducing the risk of compatibility issues.

With the simplicity, compatibility, extensibility, and efficiency of MetaID SDK, traditional application developers can quickly develop and deploy a Dapp application running on a UTXO chain.

Core Concepts

MetaID SDK has two core concepts: Connector and Entity.

  • Connector: Used for authentication and management of identity information, serving as the foundation for users to publish data on the blockchain.

  • Entity: A term used in the application layer for managing resources of a specific data type. From a programming perspective, when you create a new entity instance, you can access its properties and utilize a series of methods it provides for executing on-chain data storage and modifications. Each type of Entity corresponds to the PATH part of the MetaID Specification.


Method 1: Use Yarn or NPM

// Use Yarn
yarn add @metaid/metaid 
// Use NPM
npm install --save @metaid/metaid

Method 2: Include as src in Your Native JS Project

This method converts the npm package into a browser-compatible package without requiring a bundling tool like webpack.

  1. Initialize a local project:

mkdir generate-metaid-bundle && cd generate-metaid-bundle/ 
yarn init 
// or
npm init
  1. Install the SDK:

npm install --save @metaid/metaid
// or
yarn add @metaid/metaid
  1. Create a main.js file with just two lines of code:

var metaidSDK = require('@metaid/metaid')
window.metaidSDK = metaidSDK
  1. Globally install browserify:

npm install -g browserify
// or 
yarn global add browserify
  1. After installation, run the command:

browserify main.js -o bundle.js
  1. Once the command is executed, a bundle.js file will be generated. Now you can include this file along with your HTML code using the <script> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <script src="bundle.js"></script>
        <div class="app">
             <!-- HTML tag of your page -->
        // JS code

Last updated