
MetaID App Node (hereinafter referred to as MAN) is the first open-source backend indexer adapted to the MetaID V2 protocol and also serves as a distributed storage database for MetaID data. Developers do not need to rely on third-party service providers or run heavy Bitcoin nodes. They only need to deploy and install MAN locally to develop and run all types of MetaID applications, achieving true Web3 application decentralization.

Main Features of MAN

  1. Fully compatible with the MetaID V2 protocol.

  2. Indexes MetaID protocol data according to block order and transaction order, and also supports data indexing in the memory pool.

  3. Ready to use out-of-the-box, with support for various databases such as MongoDB and Pebble, allowing developers to choose based on their application needs.

  4. Developer-friendly, providing a general data query API for common data applications, and planning to implement Graph Query Language for complex data.

  5. Controllable index data volume, supporting full data synchronization, single application data synchronization, and multi-application combined synchronization. Developers can configure MAN easily to obtain the data they need.

Application Development Process Based on MAN

  1. Download the MAN program source code and compile it, or directly download the latest MAN-Release program.

  2. Modify the relevant configuration files.

  3. Run MAN.

  4. Use the MAN API and MetaID SDK for development.

  5. Develop and debug on the test network of the relevant UTXO chain.

  6. Release on the mainnet.

Last updated