MetaID PIN Conventions

About modify/revoke

  1. The address initiating the modify or revoke must match the address of the creator of the old version of the PIN, and the PIN must not have been transferred. If the PIN has been transferred, any subsequent modify/revoke operations will be invalid. For PINs under the /info path, only the initiator's address and the address of the creator of the old version of the PIN need to match for modification.

  2. The PIN being modified must be the current latest version of the PIN for the modification to be valid. If the PIN being modified is not the current latest version, all modify/revoke operations will be invalid.

  3. The modified PIN and the newly modified PIN need to be packaged in different block heights to be valid. If the modified PIN and the newly modified PIN are packaged in the same block, the new modification will be invalid.

  4. When the operation is modify/revoke, the path needs to point to the corresponding PIN, for example: @{pinid}. The pointed PIN must be a PIN that exists on the chain and has been packaged into a block for the modify/revoke to be valid. The targeted PIN must be in different block heights.

Last updated